Using French Nail Polishes For Your Nail Art Manicure

Have you ever tried using nail whitening pencils? Are you sick of going to the salon twice per week for your manicure? Are you sick of spending hundreds of dollars every two weeks? If so then you are certainly not alone because many women suffer from the same problem! In this article we will show you a simple yet effective solution that you can use in the privacy of your own home.

How to Use: First you want to soak your nails or cuticles in a mixture of rubbing alcohol and water for about twenty minutes. Then you want to rub the cuticle pieces with your fingertips until they are thoroughly dry. Then you want to apply your natural nail whitening pencils onto your wet nails or cuticles. Once you have applied the pencil onto your nails or cuticles it is time to rub them in using the natural upward motion of your hands.

Why Natural Remedies Are Better Than Chemical Products: One of the main reasons why I like to use these natural nail whitening pencils over chemical manicure polishes is because they are all natural. While many polishes used to be made with mercury they have since been banned. You want to use something safe that contains no mercury. There are also many products out there that contain chemicals such as red nail polish but are still considered safe because they are labeled “natural”.

Another reason why I love these natural products over other products is because they will work better on your skin. The reason that they work better is because natural ingredients work to get deep into the cuticle layer. This allows the product to penetrate deeper into the cuticle and get rid of the discolorations that appear on people’s nails. This is especially good news if you have cuticles that are really thick because the nail whitening pencil will work better and be more effective.

Step By Step: How to Use Your Nail Whitening Pencil and Nail Polish Remover: If you want to get the most out of your manicure then you will need to follow these steps. For starters, you want to take a clean white cloth or brush and dampen it with just a bit of water. Next, you want to grab your 6 piece white nail polish remover that you can buy online and then go over the entire nail. Make sure that you cover all the cuticles and the surrounding area.

Then you want to take your French nail polishes and apply one to each nail. After you do this you want to wait until the nail polish has completely dried before applying another coat. After you have applied your second coat, you want to put a drop or two of the polish in your hand and rub it against the cuticles. After you have done this you want to use your French nail whitening pencils to outline your nails.

Step By Step: How to Use Your Nail Polish Remover: After you have outlined your nails, you want to take a cotton ball and apply some of the polish through it. This will help seal in the moisture so you can apply your second coat. Make sure to allow ample time for the polish to dry. If you overheat the process then you can damage your nail. After you have applied your second coat of the polish, you can move onto the third or fourth coat depending on what brand you are using.

It is important to note that with this process, it is important to be very careful. You need to keep the cuticles clean and not cut them while the nail art manicure is going on. The last thing you want to do is ruin your French manicure! Make sure you follow the directions above very closely and you will have beautiful cuticles that are a delight to show off.